About Us

Dr. Eric Rosenbush

Tibetan, Chinese & Āyurvedic Medicines
Licensed Acupuncturist (USA, India)
Jyotiṣa Consultations


dharmo rakṣati rakṣitaḥ

DRANGSONG FOUNDATION is a US nonprofit organization, registered in 2015 by Eric and some colleagues.  Originally called Ngakmang, the organization first focused its attention to supporting the Ngakpa tradition of Tibetan yogis in the Rebkong area of northeast Tibet.  Later it evolved, helping to establish and support the Sowa Rigpa International College in Nepal. 

Currently, the Drangsong Foundation is engaged in various activities such as translating and archiving texts on medical and yogic practice, partnering with the Sowa Rigpa International College.

THE SOWA RIGPA INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE is the first accredited teaching program for the Sowa Rigpa medical system in Nepal.  We work with the college in various capacities.

Many of the students need sponsors to attend the program.  The Ngakmang Foundation assists in coordinating international sponsors from the US and Europe.  It is a noble cause, and is creating great benefit for the preservation of tradition as well as helping to facilitate bringing high quality traditional healthcare to the people of Nepal, especially in remote areas.

Please consider supporting the college.  https://sorigcollege.org/contribute/

THE DUNAGIRI FOUNDATION was a nonprofit organization working to save endangered Himalayan medicine plants from extinction.  All of the Asian medical systems rely on these precious plants, and we will only be able to continue traditional medical practice traditions into the future if they are preserved through sustainable management of wild populations and cultivation.  We worked with farmers in India, cultivating herbs that are going extinct in the wild until closing in 2022.

SORIG KHANG is an international network of Tibetan medical schools offering comprehensive training in Sowa Rigpa – the Tibetan science of healing, and KuNye – the system of Tibetan massage and body therapies.

Eric is an international Sorig Khang instructor, frequently traveling around the globe teaching courses on Sowa Rigpa and related subjects. 

In 2006, Eric and his teacher Dr. Nida Chenagtsang created one of the only Tibetan medical schools in the US. This evolved into the Sorig Institute, which operated until 2020.

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